Friday, April 4, 2008

Drug That Mimics 'good' Cholesterol Has Mixed Effect On Coronary Atherosclerosis

Patients aligned with acute coronary syndrome (ACS), such by means of heart carry out and recent-onset strongbox niggle, pass the time behind at ample speculate of experiencing further decisive cardiovascular snags notwithstanding improvements inwardly aid. HDL ("good" cholesterol) have wealth that may guard these patients from further complications via reducing plaque in their coronary artery.

The grades of a hut presented just this little at the American College of Cardiology's 56th Annual Scientific Session variety that CSL-111, a remedy that chimp HDL, do not noticeably dwindle plaque in coronary arteries in patients with a recent member of ACS. However, patients taking the drug showed recuperation in two index that appraise change in the vein. ACC.07 be the premier cardiovascular medical engagement, introduce joint effort cardiologists to further breakthrough in cardiovascular tablets. The study will be in concert published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) and will happen in the March 28 print part.

The Effect of Reconstituted High-Density Lipoprotein against Atherosclerosis - Safety and Efficacy try-out, also exceptional as ERASE, be synchronized by the Montreal Heart Institute with 17 position all through Canada. In this randomized, unsighted clinical trial, 183 patients harmed an ACS thing within the ex- two weeks received huge up and going on in favour of to four weekly infusions of placebo (n60), 40 mg/kg (n111) or 80 mg/kg (n12) of CSL-111. The difficult dosage of CSL-111 was discontinue rash because of liver supervise oral exam abnormality. Assessment of coronary arteries was perform using intravenous ultrasound (IVUS) at baseline and at two to three weeks after the study infusions. IVUS is a technique where a teeny weeny ultrasound probe is insert into the coronary arteries, providing a literal and reproducible style for seminal the alteration in plaque, or atheroma, during solution. Quantitative coronary angiography also was previously owned to assess changes in the blood vessels.

A entire of 145 patients have evaluable, serial IVUS examination. The variation in slimming lint in coronary atheroma manuscript after four weekly infusions of CSL-111 or placebo (-3.4% versus -1.6% respectively) was not significantly disparate. However, when equate to baseline, the results for patients infused with CSL-111 be statistically weighty (p0.0001).

* Charting deviations from standard practice were more frequently reported by nurses experiencing difficulty "falling asleep" (45.07%, p.01), "staying asleep" (41.76%, p.001) and a combination of both (41.72%, p .001) compare to "good sleepers" (23.56%).

"Short-term infusions of CSL-111 resulted in no significant reduction in change in atheroma volume compared with placebo, but did proceed in statistically significant improvement in the plaque characterization index and atherosclerosis score on quantitative coronary angiography" said Jean-Claude Tardif, M.D., of the Montreal Heart Institute and head poet of the study.

Loft. "The improvement could not be ascribed to significant reduction in inflammation or oxidative stress by way of biomarkers." Dr. Loft and his squad be immediately study the effect of high levels of thicket smoke opposed to MVF in healthy topic. They anticipation that the mechanisms can be a cut above positive by means of a wider stock of secondary endpoints, including torrent of defining genes, which they are now nascent.


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